Friday, March 13, 2009

What Can Communities Do?

At last week's VIT workshop "Putting Energy Planning Into Action", Alex Weinhagen, Director of Planning and Zoning in the Town of Hinesburg, shared a few ideas about what towns can be doing about energy issues.

His list is a great resource to share with people in your town, especially if your enthusiasm for organizing around these issues is met with the question that I often get: "But what difference can a small town really make?" I've put down just a handful of his ideas - for a digital copy of his entire handout, email Sara at
  • Project: Work with Efficiency Vermont to do energy audits for municipal buildings.
  • Community Involvement: Make sure your newly revised Town Plan addresses energy issues in depth, and clearly supports them.
  • Zoning Opportunities: Create minimum expectations for energy efficiency and renewable energy. For example, require all new homes to meet energy efficiency standards beyond state minimums.
  • Project: Create a municipal park and ride and encourage your neighbors to use it. See the State of Vermont's Go Vermont program information.
Like what you're reading?
Come to the RRPC's monthly meeting and hear Paul Markowitz, Coordinator of the Vermont Chapter of the Sierra Club, give the VECAN talk
"Vermont Communities Tackle Energy and Climate Change"

Paul will explain everything you need to know about starting an energy committee in your town, why to do it, how to do it, and what to do once you form a committee.
March 17 - 7:00
Room 266, Asa Bloomer Building
Merchants Row, Rutland City
For details, call 775-0871 or visit

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