Wednesday, May 27, 2009

June 15th: KICK THE OIL HABIT Renewable Energy Talk in Brandon

ACORN Energy Co-op tells how to kick oil habit and switch to renewable energy.

Brandon —Members of the ACORN Energy Co-op will offer suggestions on how to kick the oil habit and switch to renewable energy on Monday, June 15 from 7 to 8 p.m. in the Otter Valley Union High School Library (2nd floor) in Brandon. They will also explain the co-op’s latest energy projects, services and future plans.

“Many homeowners or small businesses with aging oil furnaces and concerns about peak oil and climate change don’t know where to start with renewable energy. They’re constrained by time and money and overwhelmed by sometimes conflicting information,” ACORN Energy Co-op manager Laura Asermily says. “This presentation will offer experienced advice on best steps to take as well as an update on the latest energy projects in our region.”

ACORN Energy Co-op organizers will explain the co-op’s background and its plans, including a new wood pellet initiative based on Vermont-produced pellets. A co-op member benefits package will also be described, and area residents will be invited to join the co-op as members.

“We had a large crowd at our March 18 launch in Middlebury that represented a broad cross section of area residents; it was an exciting event,” says Greg Pahl, interim board president of the Energy Co-op. “But we want to expand our message beyond Middlebury to the entire County and beyond.” The Co-op gave a presentation in Bristol and Vergennes recently, and Brandon is the next stop on the schedule.

The ACORN Energy Co-op is a member owned business serving the residents of the 23 towns of Addison County, and the surrounding area. The Co-op, which emerged from its umbrella organization, the Addison County Relocalization Network (now referred to as the ACORN Network), was founded in June 2008 to help area residents make the transition from their near total dependence on fossil fuels to a greater reliance on a wide range of renewable energy strategies.

The Co-op’s first pilot initiative was to work in collaboration with other area businesses to organize bulk purchasing and distribution of 66 tons of premium wood pellets for local residents during the summer and fall of last year. This year the Co-op has entered into a three-way partnership with Bourdeau Brothers of Middlebury and Vermont Wood Pellet Co., LLC.. The Co-op and Bourdeau Brothers are collaborating on marketing and delivering the pellets produced by VWP’s new North Clarendon mill, which is expected to have an initial output of 10,000 tons per year. So far this year, the co-op has accumulated pre-buy orders for about 90 tons of pellets for its members.

“We’re starting out with a relatively small-scale operation designed to meet local heating fuel needs from local, renewable resources, but production can be ramped up as demand grows,” Pahl says. “We think it’s a flexible and compelling model whose time has come, especially in light of the popularity of the Buy Local and Eat Local movements. Now area residents can Heat Local as well. We’re convinced that this is something that many people will want to support.”

Considering the volatility of energy prices in recent years, co-op organizers believe that the co-op offers area residents an opportunity to regain some measure of control over their own energy future by learning how to expand their efficiency and conservation practices while planning for shifts to renewable energy.

In addition to the talk in Brandon, the co-op plans to give additional presentations in other area towns in the coming months. “We encourage anyone who is interested in local solutions to our energy challenges to attend co-op talks on how to kick the oil habit and switch to renewables,” Pahl says.

For additional information about the Co-op call 385-1911 or visit online at

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